Parental Request for an EHC Needs Assessment - £100.00
This service includes the following:
Reviewing all of your child's relevant documentation such as school reports, medical reports, diagnostic reports, assessment reports and any other relevant documentation.
Creating the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment request letter which highlights all of your child's special educational needs and why your child needs an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (and why your child meets the legal test which means an assessment must be carried out). It is important to note that your child does not need a formal diagnosis.
Email correspondence with yourself to ensure that the letter is a complete reflection of your child and to ensure you're completely satisfied with the letter. The letter will be redrafted as many times as you wish.
Once you are fully satisfied with the contents, the request letter will then be sent to you, ready for you to submit to your Local Authority.
The email address and/or written address will be sourced and provided.
Refusal to Assess Appeal - £150.00
This service includes the following:
Drafting the appeal ready to submit to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.
Writing the grounds of appeal to show exactly why an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment is essential based on the evidence you have.
Preparation of documents into chronological order and combined and condensed into one document to be sent to the Tribunal alongside your application. This document will be a suitable size for emailing and can be used for several other things such as DLA applications, support requests from other services etc.
Email correspondence with yourself to ensure that the Grounds for Appeal letter is a true reflection of your child/young person. Re-drafting of the letter as required/requested until you are fully satisfied with the appeal.
Completion of the SEND35A form on your behalf.
Instructions given on how to submit the SEND35A form to the tribunal which completes your appeal application.
If you used the Parental Application for an EHCNA service, this service will be reduced to £100.00
Refusal to Issue Appeal - £250.00
This service includes the following:
Drafting the appeal ready to submit to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.
Writing the grounds of appeal to show exactly why an Education, Health and Care Plan is required based on the evidence you have.
Explicitly explaining why an EHCP is essential for your child.
Preparation of documents into chronological order including number of pages and other information required for the application. All documents will be combined and condensed into one document to be sent to the Tribunal alongside your application. This document will be a suitable size for emailing and can be used for several other things such as DLA applications, support requests from other services etc.
Email correspondence with yourself to ensure that the Grounds for Appeal letter is a true reflection of your child/young person. Re-drafting of the letter as required/requested until you are fully satisfied with the appeal.
Completion of the SEND35 form on your behalf.
Instructions given on how to submit the SEND35 form to the tribunal which completes your appeal application.
If you used a previous service, this service will be reduced to £200.00
FULL EHCP Checking Service - Draft Check - £300.00
This includes up to 4 professional reports, if you have more documentation then the fee will increase by £30 per document/report over 4.
If the LA agrees to issue an EHCP you will be issued with a first draft and given 15 calendar days to make your 'representations'. This is where you are able to make your requests of what you'd like adding in, removing, rewording etc.
This is a vital part of the EHCP process and the LA must consider your views.
This service includes the following:
Reviewing the entire draft EHCP and making amendments as required. Any amendments made (which can then be submitted as your Parental Representations) will be cross-referenced to the relevant professional report so that the Local Authority can see that the amendment request is backed up by Professional Evidence.
Going through all the documents and evidence you have thoroughly and consistently to ensure all identified needs and recommendations are included within the EHCP Draft.
Ensuring the Local Authority have included all your child's identified needs from the professional reports in Section B.
Ensuring there is provision provided for each and every need from Section B in Section F. Sections B and F should go together hand in hand with every single Identified Need (B) having a Provision (F) to support that need.
Ensuring there are no needs which should be in Section B hidden within other Sections that cannot be appealed. If there are, these will be moved to Section B.
Ensuring there are no provisions that should be in Section F hidden within other Sections that cannot be appealed. If there are, these will be moved to Section F.
Check that all Outcomes in Section E (An ‘outcome’ is the benefit or difference made as a result of an intervention Para 9.66 SEND Code of Practice) are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART).
This service is available for both initial EHCP's and Amended EHCP's.
Each time the EHCP is amended you will have the same rights to make parental representations.
When the EHCP is amended you will receive a first draft amended EHCP, this is a great time to use an EHCP checking service, this service will include all the above, as if it was an initial EHCP, ensuring your child's EHCP is as effective as it can possibly be.
This is a full and thorough check of the EHCP.
If you used a previous The Send Friend Service, this service will be reduced to £275.00
Please Note: If you use this service and then find that you need to appeal the content of the EHCP, the EHCP Content Appeal Service will be charged at just £100.00 as a large percentage of the work will have already been carried out in the EHCP checking service.
EHCP Content Appeal (Sections B and F) - £350.00
including School Placement (B, F and I) - £400.00
Please note, the price above includes thorough checking of 6 professional reports. If you have more than 4 reports, the price will increase by approx £30.00 per report but a total amount will be agreed based on the length of the report.
When your child is first issued an EHCP, you will have the opportunity to make parental representations. You will have the same opportunity every time the EHCP is amended. Unfortunately, the Local Authority does not always agree with the amendments and the plan is finalised without all your requested amendments being made.
Parents are able to appeal Sections B, F and I. We would not recommend only appealing Section I (school placement). This is because there is normally a reason within Section B and F as to why your child was not
This service includes:
Writing your grounds of appeal based on the evidence provided.
Making clear why the contents of 'Section B' do not adequately reflect your child's special educational needs.
Making clear why the contents of 'Section F' does not adequately reflect the provision that is requires to meet your child's special educational needs.
Providing written confirmation of exactly what amendments are wanted in Sections B and F to ensure the tribunal are aware.
Ensure your parental preference for placement is detailed for 'Section I'.
Provide written explanation as to why your preferred school is essential and why it is supported by the relevant evidence and legislation where necessary.
Preparation of documents into chronological order and combined and condensed into one document to be sent to the Tribunal alongside your appeal. This document will be a suitable size for emailing and can be used for several other things such as DLA applications, support requests from other services etc.
Email correspondence with yourself to ensure that the Grounds of Appeal letter and SEND35 form are a complete reflection of your child's Special Educational Needs and to ensure you're completely satisfied with the appeal and agree with the reason why the Education, Health and Care Plan must be amended within Sections B, F and I.
The Grounds of Appeal will be redrafted as many times as required until you're completely happy with it.
Completion of the SEND35 form on your behalf.
Instructions given on how to submit the SEND35 form to the tribunal which completes your appeal application.
If you've already used our EHCP Checking Service, the Content Appeal will be reduced to £100.00 (£150.00 including Section I) as a large percentage of the work required will have been carried out during the EHCP checking service.
If you used a previous The Send Friend Service (other than the EHCP Check), this service will be reduced to £275.00 or £325.00 (including Section I).
Working Document Service - using the Standard Tribunal Key - from £150.00
A Working Document is a version of your Child's EHCP which will be sent to you by the Local Authority in the run up to the tribunal date. The Working Document only applies in Content Appeals.
The Tribunal recommends use of a standard tribunal key using certain types of text as a code e.g. bold strikethrough means the parents proposed deletions and italic strikethrough would mean the local authorities proposed deletions.
This document is designed for parents and local authorities to agree on as much as possible before the hearing.
The final working document will be sent back to the Tribunal at least 10 working days before the hearing.
If you have used our Content Appeal Service - you can add this onto that service for £150.00
If you did not use our Content Appeal Service, we can still offer this service but the price will be £350.00
This service includes:-
Thoroughly reading all the professional reports and ensuring any needs/provision identified within the reports are represented within the EHCP and in the right places.
Ensuring all “Needs” from your reports are in ‘Section B’; if any are not included, these will be added to the working document using the tribunal key.
Ensuring all “Provisions” from your reports are in ‘Section F’; if any are not included, these will be added to the working document using the tribunal key.
Ensuring the EHCP is as it should be - making sure there is nothing hiding within other sections that should be in Section B or F. If there is, these will be moved and documented using the working key and footnotes.
Checking all Provision in ‘Section F’ is specific and quantified as required by law; addressing any that are not.
Checking all “Outcomes” in ‘Section E’ are appropriate and ‘SMART’ (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound); addressing any that are not
Using the “Tribunal Key” and “Footnotes” to reference each proposed amendment to a high standard ensuring that the requested amendments are evidence based and backed up by professional reports.
Bespoke Letter/Email/Complaint Writing - from £50.00
If you need to make a complaint to the Local Authority, such as when they've breached their legal duties, I can assist with this.
This may be beneficial when:-
The LA has breached the 20 Week EHCP Deadline
The LA claims the EHCNA process will need to be extended
The LA hasn't completed the annual review within the 12 Month Deadline
A letter of complaint can help ensure the local authority complies with their legal duties.
Meeting Support / Advocacy - from £50.00
Final fee will vary based on the complexity of the case and the amount of documentation involved and the length of the meeting, the £50.00 fee is based on a straight forward meeting taking no more than 1 hour.
Meetings can be a really nerve-wracking time, whether that be with School or the Local Authority.
Sometimes it is nice to know that you've got support in the form of an advocate who knows the law and will hold the School or Local Authority (or both) to account on their failings to comply with the law.
I can provide support at all meetings whether they're within school or with the LA or both.
This service includes:
A Zoom call between ourselves before the meeting to cover what you feel needs to be addressed within the meeting and what you're hoping the outcome will be.
Reviewing your child's relevant documentation before the meeting
Support and Advocacy during the meeting
Ensuring the Meeting Chair confirms what the agreed outcomes from the meeting are.
Requesting the confirmed outcomes are written in the minutes from the meeting.
Self Help Guided Service EHCP Application - £40.00
- 30 Minute phone/zoom/teams call to answer any questions.
- Full written guidance given to help you make your application.
- Template application letter included with clear guidance on what parts you need to change
You will then be able to use these documents to write your child's EHCNA application yourself and send it.
This service does NOT include me writing the application for you or checking your application.
It is ideal for people who feel they have a good knowledge of their child's needs and feel confident in being able to express those needs in a written format with guidance.
If you are looking for someone to write the application for you, please see the service 'Parental Request for an EHC Needs Assessment'.
Consultation - £25.00
This is optional and doesn't need to be booked if you're wanting to use a service mentioned above.
A Consultation is ideal if you're not sure about using an advocacy and you'd like some advice or guidance of how I can help you.
This includes:
- 30 Minute consultation via phone/zoom/teams to find out about your situation and how I can help
- Recommendations made during the Zoom
- Signposting to self help resources if you aren't wanting to use the advocacy services
- A follow up email will be sent with recommendations from the consultation.
If you book a consultation and then following the consultation you choose to purchase a service, a £15.00 discount will be offered on the purchased service.
DLA / PIP / Other Application Forms - from £60.00
- Application Forms completed on your behalf using the evidence you've provided.
- Forms will be sent for your approval and changes made as required to ensure the form is an accurate representation of your child/young person.
- Completed Form will be sent electronically for printing and sending.
Other Services
Although the main areas of support and help that I provide to my clients are listed above, I am always happy to help wherever I can.
My services are not limited to what is mentioned and if there's something you need supporting with that hasn't been mentioned, please message me and I will try my hardest to support you or re-direct you to someone who can.
I am able to offer an advocacy service at tribunal hearings if required.
The fees quoted above are what I expect to charge. If a case is particularly complex and time-consuming then the fees may be increased to reflect the additional work. This will be discussed in advanced and agreed by yourselves before the work is undertaken.
You will always know what you are paying and why. I offer discounts off of additional services these do not have to be purchased at the same time.
You are not obligated to use continue to use my services - for example, if you used my Parental Application for an EHC Needs Assessment Service and then you needed to Appeal to the Tribunal for Refusal to Assess, you wouldn't have to use my services for the appeal, although you'd be welcome to, of course.
I pride myself in keeping fees as low as possible whilst also earning enough to reflect my level of expertise and time spent and to ensure I am able to earn enough to support my own family which includes SEN children.
How to Purchase a Service
To purchase a service please email with details of which service you'd like to purchase.
Payment is by Bank Transfer or PayPal.
Terms & Conditions will be provided along with an invoice.
You can also email for a no obligation chat too to see if I can help you.
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